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Category: How To

How to move a smart home

How to move a smart home

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge Moving out of and into a smart home requires a lot of attention to detail. This guide will help you through it.  Moving can be a huge headache. Throw in a bunch of connected gadgets you…

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Cable management and other tips for planning a new workspace

Cable management and other tips for planning a new workspace

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge The Verge’s favorite methods for keeping our tech in reasonable order. One of the great things about moving is the chance to remake your workspace — or your gaming space, depending on what you use…

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How to get files off your old PC before you move

How to get files off your old PC before you move

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge Leave the computer, take the hard drive. However sentimental you feel about that old computer (or seven) you’re hanging on to, maybe you’ve decided you can’t take it with you the next time you move….

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How to get a transcript for a YouTube video

How to get a transcript for a YouTube video

Illustration by Samar Haddad / The Verge While I edit and write “how-to” articles, I also sometimes find myself in need of how-to directions myself. But when I do a search for guidance on, say, a difficult crochet stitch, it often…

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How to shop for an internet provider in your new home

How to shop for an internet provider in your new home

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge The FCC’s new broadband labels make it easier to compare internet plans, if you’re lucky enough to have options. Moving is complicated, and comparing internet plans can be, too. Combine the two, and it can…

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The Verge’s guide to moving

The Verge’s guide to moving

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge Moving is one of the most stressful events that can happen in your life. It takes a lot of time and effort, it’s expensive, it’s complicated, and there’s just a ton to do. It’s not…

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The best way to get rid of all the clutter you don’t need

The best way to get rid of all the clutter you don’t need

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge Moving often means downsizing, and fast. Enter: Facebook Marketplace and Buy Nothing. I’ve accumulated a surprising amount of stuff in the three years I’ve been in my apartment. A lot of it will be coming…

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How to manage a road trip move

How to manage a road trip move

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge Uprooting your life and moving hundreds — or thousands — of miles isn’t easy. Here’s how to make sense of it all. Moving is one of the most daunting tasks a human can do. But…

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Plastic bins: better than boxes

Plastic bins: better than boxes

Image: Jackson Gibbs for The Verge Renting bins is convenient, slightly more sustainable, and not once did I miss cardboard boxes. I associate lots of things with moving — stress; cursing landlords for raising the rent. But mostly, I think of…

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Where to watch Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked event on Wednesday

Where to watch Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked event on Wednesday

Image: Samsung Samsung will trot out its next foldables and some new Galaxy AI features during the summer edition of its Galaxy Unpacked event in Paris, France, on Wednesday. You can expect a new Galaxy Z Fold 6 with a squarish…

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